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Greek Language Experts Online School

Greek Language Experts is a small women-owned online Greek school that focuses on spreading the Greek language globally. Their mission is to give the opportunity to Greeks born abroad, partners to Greeks who want to be able to understand what is being told during family gatherings and to everyone who loves the Greek language and culture to learn Greek through a fun and efficient journey of knowledge.

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Jenny & Eleonora of Grandpa J's Seasoning

Welcome Jenny and Eleonora of Grandpa J's Seasoning! Jenny Siormanolakis is long tenured in the food industry, with her family owned and operated one of the “longest running single family owned & operated establishments from 1973-2014. Her first job was standing on milk crates working in the dish pit. Working all through school and college, she always helped the family business. She is always to be relied on to come up with an extremely clever solution to difficult problems.

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Eleni Saltas of "All You Can Greek"

We got the one and only Eleni Saltas to give us a little intro to her fantastic cookbook, "All You Can Greek: Food, Life, Travel". We love this cookbook and we're sure you will too!

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The "Everything Easy Mediterranean Cookbook" Author Peter Minaki

The great Peter Minaki tells us a little about his wonderful cookbook, "The Everything Easy Mediterranean Cookbook", which is available on Greekazon. Check it out for amazing recipes!

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