Greek Language Experts Online School

Greek Language Experts is a small women-owned online Greek school that focuses on spreading the Greek language globally. Their mission is to give the opportunity to Greeks born abroad, partners to Greeks who want to be able to understand what is being told during family gatherings and to everyone who loves the Greek language and culture to learn Greek through a fun and efficient journey of knowledge.

Emily and Danai were born and raised in Thessaloniki and met when they were in kindergarten. Over the years they followed different paths and went to different high schools but life brought them back together in 2019. Back then, Emily was already living in New York City and Danai was living in Athens. During the first quarantine in March 2020, online learning became very popular and that’s how the idea arose.

With Emily’s Bachelor's Degree in Education, Master’s degree in Special Education, years of teaching experience and Danai’s passion to share the Greek culture and history, Greek Language Experts was born. Going through the third year of operation of the online school they offer Group and Private classes. 

The Group classes start from the very beginners Level 1 and go up to the advanced Level 6. New sessions are available every two months and they are 6 weeks long, once a week for 2 hours. You can find the new dates right here. If you are interested in taking one of their group classes but you don't know where to start, take this quiz and they will help you determine where to start.  If on the other hand you need a more personalized education with a schedule you can control then the Private classes are great for you and you can find the available different packages right here

Lastly, don’t forget their podcast with everyday dialogues to help you with your listening and speaking skills. Now available wherever you get your podcasts or on GreekAFRadio!